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Wizard Daily Report and Research

Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Ratings Plus for Benalla

Wizard Daily Report - Sunday, 2 February 2025

  • Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Ratings Plus for Benalla
  • Wizard Ratings and Raceday Results, Saturday, February 1

 Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Ratings Plus for Benalla

Each day The Wizard will publish on this page one of its Wizard Plus reports or special features, either completely or a part thereof. Today the Wizard Freebie is a Wizard Ratings Plus report. Both the full and abridged Wizard reports for all meetings for today are available now for subscribers.

Wizard Ratings, Raceday, and Matrix Results, Saturday, February 1

The following table shows where the winner of each race run yesterday was rated by WRat, WMod, WHcp, and WExpk and was the qualifier in the Wizard Raceday Report. (Note: The Wrat [W] winner results report on both the top rated and top-two rated winners.) The Raceday Report winners under the Top Rated column are from those races where there was only one Raceday qualifier, and under the Top 2 Rated on the rare occasions where there were two qualifiers in a race.

Sat 01.02.25 Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9Race 10Race 11Top ratedTop 2 rated
ASCOTg4- - - - -2 2 - - -2 - 2 2 -2 3 - 2. -3 - 3. - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -1 2 2 - 11 3 - - 12  0  0  0  25  2  2  2.  0
DARWINaw1 1 2 1. -3 - 1 - -1 1 2 2 1- - 3 2 -3 3. 1 2 -      2  2  2  1.  12  2  4  4.  0
DOOMBENg41 1 1 1 12 3 1 - 1- - 1 3. -1 1 2. - 1- 3 - - -2 1 2. 3 -3 3 - - -- - 2 1. -- - - - -- - - - - 2  3  3  2.  34  3  6.  2.  0
ESPERANCEg42 3 1. 3 -- 3 3 3. -1 2 1 2 11 1 3. - 11 2 - - -1 2. - - 1- 3 - - -    4  1  2.  0  35  4.  2.  1  0
GOLD COAST POLYaw1 1 2 2 1- - - - -- - - 2. -- - 1 3 11 1 2 1 13 - - 1 -3 3 - 3. -    2  2  1  2  32  2  3  4.  0
KYNETONs5g43 3 - 2 -- - - - -1 1 3 - 13 - - 2 01 1 2 - 11 1 2. - 1- 3 3 - -- - - - -   3  3  0  0  33  3  2.  2  0
MORPHETTVILLE PARKSg41 1 1. - 11 1 3. - 1- - - - -- 2 - 3 -1 - - - -1 1 2. - 1- - - - -1 1 2 2 13 2 3 - -  5  4  1.  0  45  6  3.  1  0
NEWCASTLEs6s5- 3 - - -1 1 - 1 1- - 1. 3. -3 - - - -- 2 - - -1 1 2 - 1- 2 - - -- 3 3. - -   2  2  1.  1  22  4  2.  1  0
ROSEHILLg4- - - - -2 2 1 - -2 1 1 1. -2 1 1 1 -- - 3. - -1 2 - - 12 1 - - -- - - 2. -- - - - -1 1 2 - 1 2  4  3  2.  26  6  4  3.  0
SANDOWN-LAKESIDEg4g31 1 3 - 11 1 - 3. 1- - - 3. -- - - - -- 3. 3. 3. -1 3 1 1 11 1 1 2. 01 1 1 - 11 3 2 - 12 3 - - - 6  4  3  1  57  4  4  2.  0
SAPPHIRE COASTg41 1 1 1 13 3 2 1. 1- - 3 - -2 1 - - 1- - - - -3 - - 2 -- - - - -    1  2  1  2.  32  2  2  3.  0
TAMWORTHg43 2 2 2 -- - - - -- 3 - 2. -1 1 3 - 1- - - - -- 2 3 - -     1  1  0  0  11  3  1  2.  0
             Wrat  32  98Wrat  44  98
             Rday  32  96Rday no qual

Header: WMHER = WRat (W), WMod (M), WHcp (H), WExpk (E), Raceday (R).

For a full explanation of the table click: How to read the Wizard Ratings Results

The full day-by-day results for Wizard (Wrat) top 4 rated runners, the Raceday Qualifier, and the Matrix (MaxR) 100 pointer this week so far:

Wrat one top rated18.9%27.0%31.0%45.8%24.5%32.7%  
Wrat top-two rated35.1%37.8%48.3%54.2%47.2%44.9%  
Wrat top-three rated45.9%51.4%58.6%66.7%58.5%57.1%  
Wrat top-four rated54.1%59.5%79.3%66.7%73.6%70.4%  
Raceday - one qualifier18.2%31.3%40.0%47.8%29.2%33.3%  
MatR - Matrix 10018.9%27.0%34.5%16.7%24.5%31.6%  


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Welcome to everyrace.com, the official website for the Wizard Formguide, Superform magazine and Online Handicapping.

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The Wizard is an online formguide available every day from this website. It provides form and ratings for all Australian and New Zealand meetings covered by Tabcorp.

The formguide is supplied as downloadable and printable PDF files. Buying the Wizard also gives you access to the Wizard rewards program, featuring the Wizard archive and the ability to generate individualised Wizard Systems.


The Wizard is an online formguide available every day from this website. It provides form and ratings for all Australian and New Zealand meetings covered by Tabcorp.

The formguide is supplied as downloadable and printable PDF files. Buying the Wizard also gives you access to the Wizard rewards program, featuring the Wizard archive and the Wizard Systems.

You also have access to the Wizard Race Fields, incredibly detailed form history and statistical content live on our site (which is also optimised for mobiles)

   02/02/2025 : BENALLA(s)
   03/02/2025 : ASCOT
   04/02/2025 : GRAFTON(nr)
Meetings being covered by the Wizard
(s) indicates that scratchings have been processed.
(nr) indicates early fields and form without any ratings.


For decades, Superform has been Australia's premier ratings, results, form analysis and race handicapping service.

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